27 January 2014

WrICE Fellows Announced

We were thrilled to announce our WrICE Fellowships for established and early career writers at the WrICE Launch in December. The WrICE Fellows will join a face-to-face community of writers through participation in an immersion workshop in Singapore and Malaysia next month.

The WRICE Fellowship for an Established Writer was awarded to recent Walkley Award winner Melissa Lucashenko

MelissaMelissa is an Aboriginal novelist who lives between Brisbane and the Bundjalung nation. Her writing explores the stories and passions of ordinary Australians with particular reference to Aboriginal people and others living on the margins of the First World. Last month Melissa won a Walkley Award for excellence in longform journalism for her piece on urban poverty in Griffith Review.

Our early career WRICE Fellowship went to Maxine Beneba Clarke.

DSCF1095Maxine is an Australian writer and performance poet of Afro-Caribbean heritage. Maxine’s first collection of fiction won the 2013 Victorian Premier’s Award for an Unpublished Manuscript and she has a forthcoming debut novel Asphyxiation and a memoir The Hate Race.

Watch the video (coming very soon) to hear a bit more about Melissa and Maxine’s work, and to hear what being a part of WrICE means to them.

Visit the WrICE creative space to read extracts of their work.